Since 2017 - Free CBD and Delta 8 Delivery - St Pete, FL & USA

Who Buys Hemp CBD Online from HH OUTLET?

Since 2017 HH Outlet has helped over 4000 clients learn about hemp products and shop for CBD online at affordable prices. You can read their Hemp Cbd reviews online and hear from other customers their experience with HH outlet. If you are searching for high-quality CBD online and looking for a vendor to trust type in HH outlet and shop with confidence.

why do so many people shop at HH outlet for their hemp CBD and delta eight products? It’s more about quality than quantity at HH outlet says the owner!

Here are a few great reasons why you should enjoy shopping at HH outlet. There are a select amount of vendor choices to choose from and it’s taken five years to come to this narrow list of high-quality hemp vendors.  While HH outlet was growing we would sample other vendor products all the time and if something worked, we would add it to the website and the retail store. Or if a client brought a product in that they were truly in love with, and worked well we might also sample it and have added it to our website.

Due to advertising limitations there are many reviews that aren’t viewable because they share the users experience and the FDA does not categorize these as testimonials. They are unsubstantiated medical claims. With five years of experience in over 4000 orders shipped, you can trust of the products and the experience at HHO Outlet.

Why Buy CBD online from 

Of the many vendors to choose from here are a few words about each of them. If you want to follow along using the website, I am going to sort the products by clicking the upper left products link and then choosing all products.


Drip Cannabinoids: drip as a local vendor, and we happen to know the financial position of this company, and it is well funded and built for success. They do not cut any corners and have some of the highest quality extraction techniques available. In fact, they also are hoping to patent their extraction technique due to its high potency and purity output. we have enjoyed carrying, Drip Vip, Products, and Gummies and online. We are happy to offer DRIP Gummies.


STNR Creations: we met this vendor at a local show and the rep and company also happen to be in Florida so whenever and wherever we like to work with local partners and it just so happened that their products tested extremely well with our customer base. We have had them for sometime now and have selected their best products to provide online here and we kind of position them as our higher and higher strength vendor for either Gummies or Vaping products.


Health Hemp Outlet Brand: this is our house brand, and we have had the same relationship with this OEM vendor for over five years now. This vendor is a huge processor that actually makes the same solution for over 20 large chain type of vendors that charge 30% more due to their marketing budgets. We are happy to offer the same high-quality products to you at outlet prices.


Pure Kana: we met them the early years, and we both kind of grew at the same time, and then Purekana rose to Internet success rapidly, and we have appreciated our relationship since day one. The history of the company goes back to a previous health food supplement made for men, and we chose them in the beginning because they already had compliant food preparation skills and knew how to produce high-quality gummy‘s. Right now pure Cana gummy‘s are one of our most popular gummy‘s.


Enjoy Hemp: we love working with Florida Vendors, and this lender also has a Florida location where they are distribution center ships from, and we receive the product very fast and very fresh. We have narrowed it down to a small selection from them so we can keep a good variety of products from multiple vendors on the website. This is one of our best selling vendor when it comes to delta eight gummy’s, and some clients purchase two or three at a time.


Provida Health: Yes, another, Florida vendor that we know personally and appreciate their dedication to high-quality output. They do not simply rely on the lab report from their processor. They also perform a COA test after their product goes through the production process to ensure that you are getting with the label says. The products are a little more in cost but if you want the best high-quality least processed product on the market. We’re happy to provide Provida health.